Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Incredibly Hulkish

Today I continued my researches into the lives of superheroes. It may surprise my readers, but my desire for martyrdom at the hands of communists has close competition from my longing to be a superhero. (I would be the first superhero with a mascot, which reminds me of the lovely dream I had last night where there were guinea pigs, rabbits, and chinchillas everywhere, so I just scooped up and hugged promiscuously as I went about my daily business, and was only saved from snuggling two precious skunks by the fact that my arms were already full of piggies.)†

Anyhow, I feel the Hulk's pain. I, too, have a raving beast lurking inside me, only it is unlocked by injudicious food choices (well, those are the things I can avoid.) The migraine burst out a few days ago because I stopped taking vitamins, ate some fake sugar, then ate some real sugar. None of this was on any large scale, but then again the poor Hulk explodes in green madness when he gets shoved: for some of us, suffering is entirely disproportionate to the cause.

I've really enjoyed these superhero movies. The fun bits lull the mind, which allows some quality, meditative thinking during the slow bits (i.e. dialogue, the last 40% of fight scenes or the last 75% of car chases). In fact, what the Hulk has to accomplish by sitting cross-legged and wiggling his diaphragm is brought about in me simply by watching him jump around destroying buildings.

Work awaits me early tomorrow morning, so ho for bed and responsible sleep. And in dreams what shall come to give me pause? Probably an enormous green guinea pig.

† WHAT does this say about my subconscious???