Saturday, March 01, 2008

The Tapestry of Life

I had a post, but now all I can remember is that it reminded me of cherries, but I'm not sure if it is the fruit or the wood. This reminds me of the sin I wanted to confess* but could only remember that in some way it struck me as being similar to salt and pepper, but I couldn't figure out if it was as the seasonings or the color.

I might have just thought of the post first when a commercial for "The New Yankee Workshop" was on saying that they would make a small cherry-wood table.

They say that intelligence is all about seeing the manifold connectedness of this tangled web we live in. This post alone should qualify me to found an uber-Mensan† group.

* The faithful are also not supposed to reveal what was said in confession, so I may have to delete this post.
For those of you who are not uber-Mensan, the term, when both parts are translated from the German, means "the Over Cafeteria," which translates literally as "over eaters" or into idiomatic English as "foodies."