Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Ninja Archetypes

Mrs. Bear recently posted on that age-old feminine archetpye, Longing for a Sewing Machine.

This reminded me of something I've been meaning to comment on for some time. Sapientiae Amator posted about distractions in mass. A young man in his twenties confessed to wandering in spirit away from the holy sacrifice of the mass and toward the fortification prospects the particular church would offer, in the event that it was attacked by ninjas. On another occasion, when discussing the inadequacy of pre-Cana classes in most parishes, the same friend lamented that grooms were not properly prepared for the possibility of ninjas attacking their bride and guests mid-way through the ceremony. Indeed, it is a grievous lack, and is probably a significant factor of the high annulment rate in the U.S. church. But it was not a scenario which leaped immediately to my (feminine, sewing-machine-preoccupied) mind.

However, another young man in his twenties, developing entirely separately from the first, also revealed a deep-seated connection between ninjas and the mass. Coincidence? I think not. This is clearly an archetype for young men. In fact, I think that youth ministers should begin organizing ninja masses to reach out to them.