Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Five Weird Habits

My roommate Annie (of "My Lady Tongue" fame) said that she was "tagged" by Whiskey, and would have to think of five weird habits about herself. I was simultaneously intrigued and offended, because of course my ever agile mind had sprung back quickly to my own self. I do not have any weird habits. Every last one is perfectly normal and rational. Like Alice, I am the one sane person. I'm not sure how useful this particular exercise is, since everyone's eccentricities seem normal to them (eccentricity, like virtue and vice, is unconscious of itself.) I've been tagged too, so here goes, anyhow.

Rules: The first player of this game starts with the topic "five weird habits of yourself," and people who get tagged need to write an entry about their five weird habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next five people to be tagged and link to their web journals.

1. I really really like pets, especially dachshunds, and generally find that the interjection of a pet into a lagging conversation is just what the doctor ordered.
2. I like to keep my hands busy by making crafts when watching movies, chatting, etc. This serves two purposes: I can give fairly nice gifts on a small budget (rather than giving the remains of the paper towel roll) and I don't have to be bored. I spent a lot of my childhood being bored (well, beginning to be bored, but quickly discovering interesting things to do after my mother offered to find me a few chores to do), but haven't been since reaching an adult's estate. The key is to keep plenty of books on hand, of many different genres to suit fluctuating moods, and keep the hands busy. The other key might be to have lots to do, so that even when you're not doing it, whatever you are doing becomes enjoyable simply because it isn't what you're supposed to be doing.
3. Like Whiskey, I hate stopping sleeping or being awake. It makes it easy to stay up late and hard to wake up early. I wish I had been born when "morning" meant "before 5 pm" (i.e. Jane Austen's time).
4. I like cooking for fun when there's enough room to move around (i.e. generally not in my current Condo of Light and Happiness), especially when I can cook using gluten. Two of my three brothers also like to cook, and I've been marvelling over it, since we didn't cook much as kids. (However, our mother is a fabulous cook, so maybe that's the key.)
5. I really, really hate showers. When I was a child I protested since I would be dirty again in a day or two. In recent years, social pressures have forced me to the daily shower, but I submit in ill grace, and get it done as quickly as possible--apart from the blanks of time where I suddenly realize that I'm staring slack-jawed at the tiles four inches from my face with no sense of purpose connected to the soap in my hand.

I tag Windmilltilter (everyone else I know has been tagged.)