Thursday, December 01, 2005


I haven't been able to find anything from Pope Benedict XVI re: Harry Potter other than an old letter from when he was cardinal, so I think it is a red herring. Everything that I said in the last post is worth pausing over, yet the worst case scenario is just that you might have to talk to your children about their reading (awful prospect) or else not base your own conduct on Harry's (if only I'd been told sooner). The most likely scenario is that his self-righteous posturings will become somewhat wearying after a while.

And in the putting-things-in-perspective department, the fact that J.K. Rowlings doesn't understand the difference between good and evil puts her in the company of the rest of our post-modern secular society. In fact, she's ahead of many since she seems to think there is a difference, even if she can't put her finger on it. So she is certainly no worse than your average newspaper, newsmagazine, etc., and as she is not peddling goodthink, she is significantly better. And although a child would easily become scarred by reading Ann Landers regularly, I really don't think anyone will be scarred from Harry Potter.