Sunday, August 03, 2008


The case of the persistent pop-up windows has been solved, thanks to Bunthorne. It turns out that the website promoting devotion the the Divine Mercy didn't like me linking to their picture of the Divine Mercy and decided to shut me down as long as the link remained. I'm not sure how the link interfered with their mission of bringing the Diving Mercy to the attention of as many people as possible, but for us is not to question but merely to do. And in the meantime, if I suddenly start spouting in Latin, it is not because I went back and actually learned a foreign language, but rather that Bunthorne has not forgotten my password yet.

I spend most of my days listening to my iPod and the conversation of the others in my room. This conversation is pretty interesting, and I could probably apply for a number of sociology research grants for this work if I could just produce a paper at the end of it. Mostly it's summed up by "There's no class like low class." I'm kept pretty well occupied trying to diagnose the vast array of emotional ailments.

And in craft news, I got to make my little brother's habit rosary, and am very happy with the results. If all goes well, I will post a picture of it.