Thursday, January 03, 2008


We have Verizon FiOS here, and it is almost non-functional. FiOS employs a total of one serviceman, and the little kid on the TV ad* "kept him," so he's not able to come fix our connection. A friend came and spent an untold amount of time getting it to function partially, so now basic tasks like checking e-mail and blogging are possible. And really, I've been pleased enough about this that I have been honestly thankful for the connection and haven't bothered over its failings (other than warning poor fools who are thinking of "upgrading" to FiOS). The problem is that any large download makes it disconnect. This is okay when you're trying to watch a video (as long as you're patient), as you can watch it in segments. It's not okay when you're trying to download a program file or update.

The reason that this matters more to me today than it did seven months ago is that I finally became affluent enough to purchase an iPod, and I've been eagerly watching the mail, regretting my choice of "super saver super slow shipping," and imagining myself able to listen to all my CDs. The iPod is less extravagant than it may seem, as I don't have a CD player and Windows Media Player is in a permanent funk since I refused the update to WMP 11, which requires you to go to their website and get a license to play each individual song that you put on your computer from your own CD. And don't even try to use Mozilla Firefox in this process. Of course, I can listen to CDs when I'm alone in the car or no one else is around the house CD player. The iPod is in my hand, the CDs are next to me, but only about 7% of iTunes can download.

This morning instead of cursing the day for coming, I awoke to sing along with my imagination's version of Johnny Cash's cover of Solitary Man. But sounds like tomorrow will be back to business as usual.

* Actually, this video plays with no problem. Analysis: it's a conspiracy.