Thursday, June 07, 2007

Eight Random Things about Me *Updated*

I was tagged for this meme by Mrs. Bear, who has been gently prompting me to resume blogging.

1. I sometimes know the day of the week, and sometimes believe that I do, but the two rarely coincide.

2. I just finished a Wodehouse book (Jeeves in the Offing), am reading a chapter a week of Community and Growth by Jean Vanier for a reading group, and just started the complete works of St. Teresa of Avila. The Wodehouse book has been pure delight—I’ve been bubbling over with joy from it, and am seriously thinking of cutting out all treats so that I can afford to buy a new Wodehouse book every two weeks or so. The Jean Vanier book is very interesting, but annoyingly fuzzy at times. Drama easily seduces him away from clarity of thought, which is Not Amusing in a Ph.D. of Philosophy. He keeps defining things, but rather than being a true definition, it’s simply one of many formulations that he grabbed from the penumbra surrounding that concept in his mind. The end result is that flights of inspiration caused by his seemingly profound absolute statements are restricted to no more than six inches altitude so there’s not too big a bump when he makes an alternate “absolute” pronouncement. I’m still in the Introduction to St. Teresa’s life, and am totally in love with her. At the end of her life, her doctor said that it was impossible to find a focal point to her illnesses, as her body had become an arsenal of ailments.

3. I’ve had to spend a lot of time recently talking about poopy and why hands should not be in contact with it.

4. The peeling skin from an enormous blister on my foot revealed peeling skin from the blister under it.

5. I daydream a lot, too (see Mrs. Bear’s post), but am entirely unwilling to reveal the subjects. However, in times when hope is painful, I restrict myself to impossible daydreams, which has in the past meant Life as an Intergalactic Superhero Happily Married to a Royal Werewolf. (The setup was provided by an actual dream that involved visiting Catholic bookstores—for obvious reasons).

6. I’ve lived in three different states, five different cities, and eight different houses (counting “living” as staying two weeks or more in a row) in the last year.

I’ll add the other two later (I'm assuming that I'll seem more interesting to myself at a later date).

I tag Helene.

7. I love watching HGTV, especially "Design on a Dime," although it makes me wish I had a lot more energy.

8. One of the hardest things about living in community for me is giving up freedom in the area of food selection.