Saturday, June 23, 2007

Five Things

Courtesy of Mrs. Bear and writer's block (my favorite duo).

Five things in my closet:
1) library tote
2) craft totes and projects
3) appropriately trendy clothing
4) suitcases
5) drying rack

Five things in my fridge (N.B. It's not really my fridge, and I do little of the grocery shopping, so I can't be blamed for many of the items.):
1) fat-free American cheese (no comment)
2) cantaloupe
3) grape jelly (YECH! I always thought parents bought this to plague their children, but it turns out that it is preferred by some.)
4) free-range eggs
5) juice watered down to half-strength (almost enough to make a right-thinking person declare holy war)

Five things in my car (N.B. See above):
1) Drew's Famous Party Music CD (you would not believe how much dancing can be done while seat-belted into a 14-passenger van!)
2) wipies
3) step-stool
4) bench seats
5) steering wheel (Okay, it's pretty barren--or tidy, depending on your point of view.)

Five things in my purse:
1) a small notebook for brilliant (ahem) thoughts (a total of one [1] pages used--it turns out that brilliant thoughts have to be written on napkins, backs of envelopes, etc.)
2) wallet stuffed with old receipts that I need to enter in my check register
3) digital camera
4) small day-by-day calendar/appointment book (with lots of brilliant thoughts scribbled on random pages)
5) Cucumber-Melon disinfecting hand gel

Five Good Things about Today (because there ought to be five entries in a "five things" meme).
1) guiding a blind developmentally-disabled man around a carnival
2) riding in bumper cars with this man as the driver
3) making it to the bathrooms on several occasions without Disaster striking a member of my group, despite the dream-like slowness of our progress
4) watching The Great Mupppet Caper
5) going to sleep in a couple of minutes

I tag Helene, Sapientiae Amator, and Guy Crouchback. (Hey, impossible things are happening every day!)