Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Great Thought #1

The problem with the first post is that it must be a great post--it must give the defense for all other posts to come. But you say that you do not see the problem? It is true that all thoughts proceeding from me are a fortiori great thoughts, but my massive humility (which wins in all out wrestling matches against my bulky intellect) prevents me from sharing your insouciance, dear reader. And so I feel myself under a certain obligation for my wit to sparkle as few wits have sparkled before. However, there is another way out. As a wise tutor of mine once said regarding the students' studious avoidance of the front row at school lectures, "the problem is easily solved by removing the first row." And this is what I shall do. Proceed to post number two.
(If you are curious as to which wise tutor, I need only say that if you accidentally added an "s" to his name he would courteously inform you that he was not plural).