Friday, November 14, 2008

Implausible Plausibility

I keep telling myself that I'm not addicted, I'm only watching because I want to, etc., but a couple weeks ago I decided that I hated Ty-Ty Baby and all the rest, and yet have I fallen behind in the shenanigans in would-be model world? In a word, no. The episodes have been watched and what's worse, I have opinions about them. And yet it's all so implausible.

Apart from ANTM, these two sites have been keeping me busy. What they have in common (other than awesomeness) is that I totally love them. I haven't been feeling great, so I'm not usually in the best of moods when I get home, but two hours spent supine† reading these greats usually has me ready to face the world without shaking it until the stuffing and the squeaky toy come out.

†cf. The Waste Land line 295.